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Prioritize yourself

Take care of yourself first! Be good to yourself and your days will flow better. When you feed your body and mind, you feed your soul. Feed your soul today! If you started a healthy diet and lifestyle and then went off track then just get back on track! It’s that easy. Continue to try and try again each and every day. Allow yourself to cheat a little. No guilt! Always get back on track and recommit. The more you do this, the less you’ll get off track over time. 

Today’s a day for the senses. I had an oatmeal yogurt bowl topped with granola, chia seeds, shredded coconut, raisins, juicy ripe cherry, blueberries, turpentine mangoes & almonds. Granola for crunchy sweetness Chia seeds for bites. Shredded coconut for chew and tropical sweetness. Raisins for soft, sweet, earthy flavors. Blueberries for a burst of sweet and sometimes bitter bites. Mangos for custard and a sweet funk. Almonds for ha hard, nutty chew that takes over and cleanses the palette for the next bite. For the yogurt, raspberry yogurt blended with oatmeal, cherries, blueberries, strawberries and pineapple — to keep me filled and bring it all home. 🙌🏼 ✨🍒🍓🥥🥜🌱🌺☀️ 

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