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My thoughts after the 7 day Juice (Cleanse) Feast

After joining a Juice Feast for 7 days, I felt ah-mazing! The lens I looked through seemed so different. My lens was brighter and clearer -- all because of the food I ate!

Depending purely on nature these past few days has brought me happiness, peace, love, light and laughter in ways that I’ve always wanted! I’m more patient with my daughter, I’m more accepting and understanding of the ones around me. I’m more accepting of myself and understand my path. I feel clear and lite. I’m not weighed down. I’m not caught up in negative thoughts. I smile for no reason at all. I am currently and finally beginning the life that I’ve always imagined, dreamed and yearned for my entire life!✨ I never knew all this could come from a change in diet! I never knew that all this could come from a Juice Feast! Who knew! 😄 Tell me about your dreams. What are some key words to describe the life you want to live? Leave key words or emojis bellow that describes the life you imagine and want for yourself.

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